
today I encountered a strange behaviour of ikiwiki that I'm trying to understand...

I linked to a subpage using


and saved the file. Then I added it to the repo, committed it, and ran

ikiwiki --setup setupfile.setup

Afterwards some older links of the same style were displayed correctly, but one new link remained black - i.e. with no question mark to it. I figure that means ikiwiki has recognized the syntax but did not create a link in the html file.

I messed around a bit, recompiling many times did not work. After a while I opened the file via the web editing formular and saved it from there ("Save Page").

After that the link was there.

I dont know why. My question is - what does ikiwiki do differently when saved from the web form than when saving an editor and then running ikiwiki --setup setupfile.setup.

Btw. my version is still 3.20100815.7 since I'm on squeeze and like to stick with the repo versions.

Thanks in advance, Chris